Wednesday, May 13, 2009

There is a lot of new innovation in the media industry today because of society's insatiable need for more. The biggest new inserts in tv tecnology are systems such as TiVo and the DVR are making television into a much more versatile from of media. Consumers now have the ability to rewind, record, and fast forward live television. What a leap from the old fshioned dial televisions. However, with so much innovation it becomes hard to predict any further developments in television technology.
But, I'll try anyway. I think one way in which television is moving ahead in techonology is to shift to include internet viewing with TiVo and DVR capabilities on the internet. I don't know how hard that would be, however it seems as the next likely move since internet is a huge medium.
Possibly, television networks may begin having all their commercials at the beginning of a show thus creating a better chance of the viewer being able to see all the ads in anticiapation of the coming show. Much like the way they do it at the movies.
Another option would be to make the length of television showings longer so as to have omore content and maybe win the patience of viewers for commercials.
There are probably many other ways in which television technology can move ahead, however, for how far it has come already, it seems as though those ways would be hard to imagine.

Monday, May 4, 2009

This semester has been interesting because I've learned things about the media that i would have other wise looked over. Its really important for the general public to be educated about something they consume on such a regular basis it goes unnoticed, despite its sometimes pestilent obviousness. One of the things which struck me this sememster was learning about women in the media, and how they are so dishonestly conveyed. The Dove campaign for beauty truly opened my eyes to the deception that goes on behind the images we see. The fact that such things occur so freely in our society paints a rather unflattering picture of who we are. That our ideal for beauty is such an unattainable goal, not even the "best" can achieve it. We put ourselves in a situation where we're a dog after our tail...and of all dogs, a bulldog-its just not going to happen.
This is caused in part by the simple fact that media mostly goes unchecked in the power that it has to shape our culture, even though it is influenced by how society behaves, society readily and sometimes blindly responds to the projected culture fed to us throught the media. Such a culture is no culture at all, for the definition of culture, according to Introduction to Mass Communication Media Literacy and Culture, is "the learned, socially acquired traditions and lifestyles of the members of a society..." and "...[a] medium evolved by humans to survive." (M. Harris, 1983, p. 5, E.T. HAll, 1976, p. 14), and the previously mentioned culture is created only by the handful of execs atop the media food chain. This is one inportant reason why it is imperative for society to be media literate, otherwise the free reign of the media will overtake society with imbalanved positive and negative effects, with the latter outweighing the former.
On a lighter note, the endless notes we took on analyzing commercials have me analyzing ads inadvertently. However, granted I am interested in it, its easier now to pick apart an ad, and feel as though I am in control of what I am consuming. Thats always a good feeling.
Studying the media more closely this semester has left me with the conclusion that our society is not caring for itself as it could; as it should. It's left me wondering why? why are we not aware of the negative images, unrealities, and things we feed ourselves with? Please tell me its not for money, surely we can see that there's so much more to our humanity than stepping on each other to get to a temporary "top" can encompass. If we didn't have media, of any kind, radio, television, magazines, newspapers, internet, letters, etc., we'd still have humanity, and its all we're guaranteed as long as we exist, so why not make the most of what it can offer to us all?
In the end, it has been a good journey to learn about media, considering how incessant it is in all our lives. I hope that all onsumers would be aware and in control of what they are consuming. Its only right...unless your a baby, in that case, we should take care to educate those who aren't fully aware yet.