Wednesday, May 13, 2009

There is a lot of new innovation in the media industry today because of society's insatiable need for more. The biggest new inserts in tv tecnology are systems such as TiVo and the DVR are making television into a much more versatile from of media. Consumers now have the ability to rewind, record, and fast forward live television. What a leap from the old fshioned dial televisions. However, with so much innovation it becomes hard to predict any further developments in television technology.
But, I'll try anyway. I think one way in which television is moving ahead in techonology is to shift to include internet viewing with TiVo and DVR capabilities on the internet. I don't know how hard that would be, however it seems as the next likely move since internet is a huge medium.
Possibly, television networks may begin having all their commercials at the beginning of a show thus creating a better chance of the viewer being able to see all the ads in anticiapation of the coming show. Much like the way they do it at the movies.
Another option would be to make the length of television showings longer so as to have omore content and maybe win the patience of viewers for commercials.
There are probably many other ways in which television technology can move ahead, however, for how far it has come already, it seems as though those ways would be hard to imagine.

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