Friday, January 23, 2009

Media Notecards

Everyone I interviewed described media as away to get ideas and news out it through television, radio, newspapers, internet, etc. One of the questions I asked my interviewees was whether or not they trusted the media. It was unanimous; they all absolutely distrusted the media. When asked why, all four responded that the media has lied so many times before and has behaved in an untrustworthy manner that they don't trust the media. However, Robby, one of my interviewees did enjoy receiving the latest sports news from the t.v and my Pastor was watching the Jay Leno show when I was questioning him, so i would think that my respondents just don't trust the media to add anything to their lives. Lindsey was one who especially despises the media, even the entertainment aspect doesn't calm her dislike of the media. She thinks that for all the bad and polluting things which are done and spread by different media, there are not enough good and helpful things to report.
When I asked how the media impacted their lives, my Pastor said that it made him resent it more; Lindsey said it had a negative impact; Jordan felt that it was his link to the rest of the world; Robby felt it had no effect on him because he wasn't famous. I agreed with some responses, but I really think that, as far as Robby's response is concerned, media impacts and affects everyone it comes into contact with.

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