Wednesday, February 11, 2009

blog number three

I was watching the show one tree hill and looking through the American core values, there are a few of those represented in this show. In one of the episodes I watched, a student was using amphetamines to hype up his game in basketball, all in hopes of pleasing his father and getting quick results. Such a situation correlates with the American value of efficiency and practicality, the boy, Nathan, wanted a short range adjustment-amphetamines- for an immediate situation-the basketball game.
The mother of one of the characters on this television show is a single mother. I think her exampele shows individualism in her ability to still take care of herself and her son even when there wasn't exactly the traditional father figure to help her out. She was also an example of freedom, she took her right to have a baby on her own and still pursue other interests, such as the cafe she owns.
There was a woman on the show, the wife of the man who impregnated the woman i was just alking about, who took time to get to know her busband's "babymama" and helpo her out with the cafe. I thought that was such an expression of humanitarianism. The married woman was able to look on the single mother with kindness and help to support and aid the business without any struggle or quarrel. I really thought that was an amazing show of what poeple are capable of doing if they would just let themselves get past their own limits and whatever imagined fences they think exist.
There was a scene in which one family threw a party inviting all of the townfolk to come and celebrate. Through showing how poeple came together and then had a good time in a big house with alcohol and laughter, this show was maybe telling its audience that all these things are associated. Drinking along with a big house and a party are what bring things like laughter. However, this show had a balance by also showing how stressed out the host family really was in their relationships. So as much as it was supposed to be a good time, there are still stresses which people cannot run away from no matter how much they try.
There was a point in the show when a character, who is in highschool, decided to show the public his daughter. In doing so the show was saying a lot about individualism and freedom from conformity, as a typical teenage boy would not be taking care of his out of wedlock child, much less showing her/him to people.
When the basketball coach in the show decided that he wanted everyone to take a break from practicing just so that the whole team could relearn why they played ball, i saw aan example of progress. He was giving the team a chance to better themselves and realize again why they played basketball, without giving them a hard time about it.
The show had many instances where it was showing the American core values as well as encouraging some of them and discouraging others.

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